Thursday, June 19, 2008

Failure is a good thing!

Christine Comaford-Lynch, CEO of Mighty Ventures said “If you haven’t been rejected, or haven’t failed before, you simply are not taking enough risks. You aren’t stretching yourself”.

I thought that this was a great statement about not stretching our limits and taking on risks. We all hate rejection no matter the situation (i.e. loss of a big contract, not getting a raise, being passed up for a promotion, not getting into the undergraduate or graduate school of our choice, etc.). Why should I be rejected when I can save myself the embarrassment? Why not take a risk and do something you’ve never done before!!! You may be surprised of the outcome especially if you don’t fail. If you do fail, you can always learn from your mistakes, but the thing is that you learned something new.

Next time, go ahead fail and take a risk. What will you learn from the outcome?


RWJ Consulting Group, LLC, provides consulting, coaching and training services to individuals, entrepreneurs, not-for-profits and corporations.For additional information call 267-254-6800 or visit

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